Galle to Colombo Fort Train Timetable
There are 71 weekly trains operating between Colombo Fort and Galle, covering a distance of 114 km.
There are 71 weekly trains operating between Colombo Fort and Galle, covering a distance of 114 km.
There are 10 trains operating between Colombo Fort and Galle railway stations and these trains travel 114km.
There are 3 trains operating on the Colombo Fort to Anuradhapura railway line on weekdays and 4 trains on weekends.
Colombo Fort to Anuradhapura Train Timetable, featuring daily departures at morning 5:30am and 4:15pm with a minimum of 23 trains per week.
මාතර සිට මරදාන දක්වා දුම්රිය මාර්ගයේ සතියකට අවම දුම්රිය 28ක් උදෑසන 4:51 සිට සවස 4:05 දක්වා ධාවනය වේ.
Trains run 8 times a day between Maradana to Colombo Fort. The earliest departure is at 6:05am in the morning, and the last departure from Maradana is at 6:10pm.
Trains run 6 times a day between Maradana to Beliatta. The earliest departure is at 6:05am in the morning and the last departure is at 6:10pm.
Trains run 5 times a day between Beliatta to Maradana. The earliest departure is at 4:15am in the morning, and the last departure from Maradana is at 3:30pm.
Beliatta Railway Station Timetable content Train Departure Time, Destination, Train Names and Train Type.
Trains run 7 times a day between Matara to Colombo Fort. The earliest departure is at 4:49am in the morning, and the last departure from Maradana is at 4:00pm.
Distance between Colombo Fort and Matara is 156km and there are 47 trains weekly that run between the two cities.