Matara to Colombo Fort Train Timetable

Colombo Fort to Matara Train Timetable

Trains run 7 times a day between Matara to Colombo Fort. The earliest departure is at 4:49am in the morning, and the last departure from Maradana is at 3:47pm.

Travel distance is 183km and take average 3h 30m to reach the destination.

MataraColombo FortTrain NameTypeFrequencyDestination
6.05am9.15amRuhunu KumariExpressDailyMaradana
6.13am9.40amGalu KumariExpressDailyMaradana
9.20am*12.42pmRajarata ReginiExpressDailyColombo Fort
1.40pm5.11pm8038 1039ExpressDailyKandy 8:55pm
3:47pm7:00pm8061ExpressWeekend HolidayMaradana

*Rajarata Rajina starting from Beliatta at 8:45am

Ticket Prices
2nd Class 600.00
3rd Class 300.00

Weekly Trains: 42
Total Distance: 156.82 km

Frequently asked questions

  • When does the first train leave from Matara?
    The first train from Matara to Colombo Fort is at 4.49am , which is Sagarika
  • When does the last train leave from Matara?
    The last train from Colombo Fort to Matara is at 4.05pm.
  • How to book a train ticket online in Sri Lanka?
    Visit Reservation

2 thoughts on “Matara to Colombo Fort Train Timetable”

  1. What are the stops in between mathara to maradana, morning tarins of Galu kumari, and sagarika trains. Please let me know

  2. කවිත්

    මට පළවැනි පංතියෙ ටිකට් එකක මිල කියන්න පුලුවන්ද

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