Nanu Oya (Nuwara Eliya) to Colombo Fort Train Timetable
Nanu Oya (Nuwara Eliya) to Colombo Fort Train Timetable, featuring daily departure from Nanu Oya Railway Station to Colombo Railway Station.
Nanu Oya (Nuwara Eliya) to Colombo Fort Train Timetable, featuring daily departure from Nanu Oya Railway Station to Colombo Railway Station.
If someone need to go to Nuwara Eliya please come to Nanu Oya Railway station first and take a Bus, Taxi or another transport method to reach to Nuwara Eliya.
There are four trains operating every day, and the Ella Odyssey special train operates on Friday and Sunday on the Ella to Colombo railway line.
There are four trains operating every day, and the Ella Odyssey special train operates on Thursday and Saturday on the Colombo to Ella railway line.
Distance between Badulla to Bandarawela Train Stations is 33km and there are minimum 40 trains weekly run between the two cities.
කොළඹ සිට රබුක්කන දක්වා දුම්රිය මාර්ගයේ සතියකට අවම දුම්රිය 166ක් උදෑසන 4:35 සිට රාත්රී 11:00 දක්වා ධාවනය වේ.
Distance between Ella to Kandy Train Stations is 133km and there are 23 trains weekly run between the two cities.
Distance between Kandy to Ella Train Stations is 133km and there are 23 trains weekly run between the two cities.
Distance between Hatton to Colombo Fort Train Stations is 174km and there are 37 trains weekly run between the two cities.
Distance between Colombo Fort to Hatton Train Stations is 174km and there are 37 trains weekly run between the two cities.
Distance between Badulla to Kandy Train Stations is 183km and there are 23 trains weekly run between the two cities.
Distance between Kandy to Badulla Train Stations is 183km and there are 23 trains weekly run between the two cities.
Distance between Badulla and Colombo Fort is 292km and there are 30 trains weekly run between the two cities.
මහනුවර සිට කොළඹ දක්වා දුම්රිය මාර්ගයේ සතියකට අවම දුම්රිය 63ක් උදෑසන 4:30 සිට සවස 4:50 දක්වා ධාවනය වේ.
Five trains operate between Colombo Fort Railway Station and Badulla Railway Station, covering a distance of 292 km in one direction.
කොළඹ සිට මහනුවර දක්වා දුම්රිය මාර්ගයේ සතියකට අවම දුම්රිය 72ක් උදෑසන 5:30 සිට සවස 5:45 දක්වා ධාවනය වේ.
Ella Odyssey Special trains runs between Colombo Fort railway station and Badulla railway station and stops at Nine Arches Bridge.