Discover the Matara to Maradana train timetable, featuring daily departures from 4:51am to 4:05pm, with a minimum of 28 trains per week.
මාතර සිට මරදාන දක්වා දුම්රිය මාර්ගයේ සතියකට අවම දුම්රිය 28ක් උදෑසන 4:51 සිට සවස 4:05 දක්වා ධාවනය වේ.
Travel distance is 156km and take average 4 Hours to reach the destination.
Matara | Maradana | Frequency | Train Type | Train Name | End Station |
4:51am | 8:23am | Weekdays | Express | සාගරිකා | Maradana |
6:05am | 9:20am | Daily | Express | රුහුණු කුමාරි | Maradana |
6:12am | 9:46am | Daily | Express | ගාලු කුමාරි | Maradana |
2:05pm | 6:07pm | Daily | Express | 8051 | Maradana |
4:05pm | 7:12pm | Weekend, Poya, Holiday | Express | 8061 | Maradana |
Ticket Prices
2nd Class – 600.00
3rd Class – 300.00
Weekly Trains: 28
Total Distance: 158.72 km
Frequently asked questions
- How many trains are there from Maradana to Matara?
There are 47 weekly trains from Colombo Fort to Matara.
- When does the first train leave from Maradana?
The first train from Colombo Fort to Matara is at 4:51am , which is Sagarika, Express Train - When does the last train leave from Maradana?
The last train from Matara to Maradana is at 4:05pm, which is 8061 Express Train. - How to book a train ticket online in Sri Lanka?
Please visit Reservation.