Colombo Fort to Galle Train Timetable
There are 10 trains operating between Colombo Fort and Galle railway stations and these trains travel 114km.
There are 10 trains operating between Colombo Fort and Galle railway stations and these trains travel 114km.
Trains run 8 times a day between Maradana to Colombo Fort. The earliest departure is at 6:05am in the morning, and the last departure from Maradana is at 6:10pm.
Trains run 6 times a day between Maradana to Beliatta. The earliest departure is at 6:05am in the morning and the last departure is at 6:10pm.
Distance between Colombo Fort to Beliatta railway stations is 195km and there are 27 trains weekly run between the two cities.
Matara Railway Station Timetable content Train Departure Time, Destination, Arrival Time, Train Names and Train Types.
Ambalangoda Railway Station Timetable content Train Departure Time, Destination, Train Names and Train Types.
Distance between Beliatta and Matara is 28km and there are minimum 56 trains weekly that run between the two cities.