There are 10 trains operating between Colombo Fort and Galle railway stations and these trains travel 114km in one direction.
Colombo | Galle | Frequency | Train Type | Train Name | End Station |
6:05am | 8:47am | Weekend Holiday | Express | 8060 | Beliatta |
6:50am | 9:30am | Daily | Express | 8050 | Beliatta |
8:35am* | 12:14pm | Monday to Saturday | Express | 8040 | Matara |
10:30am** | 12:50pm | Daily | Express | රජරට රැජිනි | Beliatta |
2:40pm | 5:00pm | Daily | Express | ගාලු කුමාරි | Beliatta |
3:50pm | 6:00pm | Daily | Express | රුහුණු කුමාරි | Matara |
4:47pm | 7:00pm | Sunday to Friday | Express | සාගරිකා | Beliatta |
5:32pm | 8:25pm | Weekdays | Express | සමුද්රදේවී | Galle |
5:51pm | 8:50pm | Weekdays | Semi Express | 1595 – 8764 | Galle |
6:16pm*** | 9:55pm | Weekdays | Express | 8766 | Beliatta |
7:30pm | 11:10pm | Daily | Express | 8775 | Galle |
8:35am* – Train starts from Kandy at 5:00am
10:30am** – Train starts from Anuradhapura at 5:30am
6:16pm*** – Train starts from Ragama at 4:50am
Ticket Prices
2nd Class – 500.00
3rd Class – 240.00
Weekly Trains: 71
Total Distance: 114 km
Frequently asked questions
- How many trains are there from Colombo Fort to Galle?
There are 71 weekly trains from Colombo Fort to Galle.
- When does the first train leave from Colombo Fort?
The first train from Colombo Fort to Galle is at 6:05am. - When does the last train leave from Colombo Fort?
The last train from Colombo Fort to Galle is at 6.30pm. - How to book train tickets online?
Visit Reservation
Last Update: 02/01/2025