Ruhunu Kumari train number 8059 is a train running between Matara and Maradana. The two cities are located at a distance of 158.72 kms.
The train Ruhunu Kumari is a Express Train and operates everyday morning from Matara and Evening from Maradana. It leaves Matara at 06:05am and reaches Maradana at 09:21am. In the evening the train leaves Maradana at 3:40pm and reaches Matara at 6:50pm. It takes around 3 Hours 10 Minutes travel between 2 cities.
Some of the major stations that the train passes through on its way are Weligama, Galle, Ambalangoda, Aluthgama, Kalutara South, Panadura and Colombo Fort.
Train Name | Ruhunu Kumari |
Route | Matara – Maradana |
Travel Time | 3 Hours 10 Minutes |
Travel Distance | 158.72 km |
Frequency | Daily |
Daily Timetable
Departure from Matara | Departure from Maradana |
6:05am | 3:40pm |
↓ | ↓ |
Arrive Maradana | Arrive at Matara |
9:21am | 6:50pm |
Frequently Asked Questions
- What time Ruhunu Kumari (Express Train) depart from Matara Railway Station?
- Ruhunu Kumari (Express Train) departs from Matara Railway Station at 06:05am.
- What is the time Ruhunu Kumari (Express Train) depart from Maradana Station?
- Ruhunu Kumari (Express Train) departs from Maradana Railway Station at 03:40pm.
- What is the distance covered by Ruhunu Kumari (Express Train)?
- Ruhunu Kumari (Express Train) covers 158.72km to reach Maradana Station. Ruhunu Kumari (Express Train) passes through 12 stations.
- How to book a train ticket online in Sri Lanka?
- You can use few methods for booking. Click Here