Distance between Beliatta and Maradana is 185km and there are 12 trains weekly that run between the two cities.
Weekdays 2 trains and Weekends 1 train.
Departure | Type | Name | Frequency | Destination | Arrival |
4.15am | Express | Sagarika | Weekdays | Maradana | 8.17am |
5.25am | Long_Distance | Galu_Kumari | Daily | Maradana | 9.47am |
Ticket Prices
1st Class –
2nd Class – 700.00
3rd Class – 340.00
- When does the first train leave from Maradana?
- The First train from Beliatta to Maradana is at 4.15am
- Are there any train at evening?
- No trains runs evening